IRATA kursus - Rope Access

På kun fem dage kan man blive en del af verdens største Rope Access netværk. Kurserne varer normalt fra mandag morgen til fredag eftermiddag. Der er minimum 30 timers undervisning frem til og med torsdag og en hel dags eksamen fredag med ekstern censor. Under normale omstændigheder vil der maksimalt være seks kandidater på samme niveau til hver instruktør.

Vi kan også re certificere dig når du har brug for at gøre dit certifikat gældende i tre nye år eller hvis du vil opgradere til et højere level.

Mangler du timer i din Logbog fordi du ikke har klatret de sidste seks måneder kan du også vælge en dag i klatrecentret hos mig hvor vi gennemgår pensum i teori og praksis og så er du køreklar igen.

Uanset hvilken træning du ønsker hos AAA Træning leverer vi et produkt af højeste kvalitet.

Når man vælger et klatrekursus for første gang, skal man være klar over at kurset er fysisk krævende og teoretisk er indlæringskurven stejl.

Kontakt mig inden at du tilmelder dig for at sikre dig, at du kan komme på kursus!

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TMC Notes

New candidates do not have IRATA Nr and Logbook yet.

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Declaration of medical and physical fitness (AAA 007)

This is an important document – please read it carefully before signing as you are accepting sole responsibility for your own health and medical condition and absolving IRATA, its member companies,
and their respective personnel, training instructors and IRATA assessors (together referred to as Providers) from any liability.

Rope access at altitude or depth is an intrinsic component of training and assessment. Therefore, candidates should be physically fit and unaffected by any medical condition that may prevent them
from undertaking their training requirements or performing maneuvers required during assessment.

Principal contra-indications to working at height include (but are not limited to):

  • prescribed medication that may impair physical and/or mental function;
  • alcohol or drug dependence;
  • diabetes, high or low blood sugar;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • epilepsy, fits or periods of unconsciousness, e.g. blackouts;
  • vertigo, giddiness or difficulty with balance;
  • heart disease or chest pain;
  • impaired limb function;
  • musculoskeletal issues, e.g. back pain;
  • psychiatric illness;
  • fear of heights;
  • sensory impairment, e.g. blind, deaf.

Risk and Disclaimer of Liability I understand that rope access at altitude or depth, and the training and assessment in respect of it, carries risks to myself and others of personal injury (including permanent disability and death) because of the possibility of falls and collisions and is a strenuous activity.

On behalf of myself and my estate, I irrevocably release the Providers and their officers and personnel from any and all liabilities, claims, demands and expenses including legal fees arising from or in
connection with my undertaking rope access training and assessment involved in applying for IRATA certification.

By signing this declaration, I warrant and acknowledge that:

  1. the information given by me is correct and will be relied upon by the Providers;
  2. to the best of my knowledge and belief, engaging in rope access activities would not be detrimental to my health, wellbeing or physical condition or to others who may be affected by my acts or omissions;
  3. a member company or assessor has the right to exclude me from training or assessment if they have concerns over my health, fitness or attitude to safety, without any obligations to paying back the course fee;
  4. (save where the Providers cannot exclude their liability by law), I accept that this Candidate Disclaimer and Liability Release remains legally binding even if the warranties and declaration given by me are untrue and I accept the risks involved in undertaking the training and assessment; and
  5. I will advise IRATA should my health or vulnerability to injury change and immediately cease rope access activities unless approved to do so by a medical doctor.

This Candidate Disclaimer and Liability Release shall be construed and governed in accordance with English and Danish (local) law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Danish courts.

I declare that I am in good health, physically fit and consider myself suitable to undertake rope access training and assessment. I do not have any medical conditions or contra-indications that may prevent me from working safely.

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Personal Data

  • As an Irata Member company I (AAA Training) need your personal data to some extent. Specified below
  • Responsible person for these data is Jesper Valentiner.
  • For me and IRATA to register, process and generate a unique certificate for you – your data will need to be recorded in hard copy, scanned and uploaded to Irata Registration and Irata Online System via the Internet. Irata will after that send your certificate, Logbook and personal Id-card via letter to me as the training member company (TMC).
  • I will on receival of these documents send it to you via letter.
  • I am also as a TMC bound by IRATA organization to store these hardcopies for 4 years in order to document your achievement at AAA Training. These Hardcopies are physically locked down in a document store box and is behind a locked door.
  • What ever personal data I have received from you via mail will be deleted at the latest 60 days after your assessment from my email system. These 60 days is to ensure that Your certificate, Id-card and logbook can get through the approval, production and mail process at IRATA in the UK before data is deleted.
  • Data you approve me to keep, store and send to IRATA via the internet is:
    • Full Name
    • Full address
    • Date of birth
    • Phone no.
    • A passport Picture
    • Email address
    • and “Next of kin” information such as full name and phone no. for emergency reasons only.
  • I (Candidate) give AAA Training permission to keep, store and send my personal data mentioned above to Irata via the internet.
  • I (candidate) can at any time withdraw this permission.
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